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Google Maps API Key Configuration
This guide will cover how to set up an API key for Google Maps within Google Cloud. The key is used in ERP+ to activate the GMAPLKEY system parameter to enable Google Maps functionality for POP Apps.
Opening the API Library
Sign into the Google Cloud console at using your company login credentials.
If you do not already have a project, you must create one before you can create the API key. See for the Google documentation on creating a project.
Once you are in the correct project, click the menu icon
in the top-left to open the menu, then select APIs & Services > Enabled APIs & services.
Click + ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES at the top of the screen to open the API library.
Enabling the APIs
Select “Maps” from the category list on the left to filter for the relevant APIs.
There are five APIs you must enable for full Google Maps functionality in POP Apps. These are:
Maps SDK for Android
Maps SDK for iOS
Maps Static API
Directions API
Places API
To enable the APIs:
Click one of the tiles to open the product details page.
Click the blue ENABLE button.
After enabling the first API, a popup titled “Get Started on Google Maps Platform” will appear. Ensure the “Enable all Google Maps APIs for this project” box is ticked, then click GO TO GOOGLE MAPS PLATFORM.
Once in the Google Maps Platform, select APIs from the side menu. Check the Enabled APIs list to make sure that all five listed above are included.
If any of the five are missing, enable them by selecting them from the Additional APIs list below the Enabled APIs list and then clicking the blue ENABLE button as before.
Restricting the API key
It is recommended by Google to restrict your API key, to prevent unwanted malicious usage of your account.
In the Google Maps Platform, select Credentials from the side menu. You should see your key listed in the API Keys grid.
Click the name of the key to open the Edit API Key page.
Ensure that “Set an application restriction” is set to “None”.
Under “API restrictions”, click “Restrict key”, then select the five APIs listed above from the drop-down list.
Click the blue SAVE button to save the key and return to the Credentials screen.
Viewing your API key
Once all five APIs have been enabled and the key has the necessary restrictions, you can view your key from the Credentials screen, by clicking SHOW KEY in the Actions column of the API Keys grid.
The key must be set as the value for the GMAPLKEY system parameter in ERP+ to activate your Google Maps license.